Thursday, June 26, 2008

Herpes Zoster Treatment

Arsenicum album: If a person feels chilly, anxious, restless, and exhausted during fever—and the burning pain of the eruptions is relieved by heat—this remedy may be indicated. Discomfort is often worse around midnight.

Apis mellifica: Swollen, tender eruptions with burning, stinging pain and itching suggest a need for this remedy. Symptoms are aggravated by warmth, and relieved by cold applications or exposure to cool air. The person may be irritable and very sensitive to touch.

Rhus toxicodendron: This remedy may be indicated for a rash that begins with many small blisters, is red and intensely itchy, and is relieved by hot baths or hot wet compresses. Restlessness makes the person want to pace the room or constantly move around.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Remedy for Herpes Zoster

  • Merc Sol 200      Alternate day
  • Apis Mill 30         3 times a day
  • Natrum Sulph     3 times a day


The remedy Ignatia is most commonly used for emotional problems. Made from the seeds of Ignatia amara, which contain strychnine, it effects the nervous system. This remedy treats a wide range of symptoms that can be caused by emotional turbulence. Loss of a loved one, trauma (even in the not so recent past), homesickness, broken hearts of all shapes and sizes, long, intense study periods, constant stress, in short any strong emotions that, if repressed can set off a wide array of symptoms in the body.

While it can help bring out suppressed emotions, Ignatia is also helpful in the pangs of grief or trauma - the sleeplessness, bellyaches, and waves of pain that can be the companion of turbulent emotions, and to prevent issues soon after - such as colds due to the strain on the immune system.
On the emotional side, Ignatia works especially well with silent grief, though it also helps those at the other extreme-constant crying, fear, fright and anxiety.
