Friday, July 6, 2007


Burns range from insignificant, though painful injuries, to life-threatening ones. The extent of body surface affected is a key to the seriousness of the injury. (if a large portion of the body is affected, or the burns are third degree, send to the hospital).If there is an element of shock, give Arnica immediately. When the shock has passed the burned person may feel more pain, so Cantharis 30c can be given every 15 minutes.Cantharis is a specific to prevent the after-effects of burns and scalds and can be kept in the kitchen. It prevents blister formation. If a large area of the skin is burnt or scalded, apply Cantharis 30c over the affected part (diluted with water) to reduce the burning pain. Also give doses of Cantharis 30 internally.
Urtica urens lotion made from stinging nettle, is a soothing external burn remedy when there is stinging, burning and prickling sensation. A leaf from an Aloe vera plant can be split and the gel can be applied to the burn and has a rapid healing effect.
Calendula lotion can be used when healing has begun.
Hypericum lotion can be used to ease the pain of sunburn. Be sure to use on unbroken skin.