Tuesday, May 29, 2007

SUNSTROKE, Heatstroke

Sunstroke is a life-threatening condition in which the body's heat-regulating system fails, due to exposure to high temperatures.
Sunstroke can occur when the body's mechanisms to rid itself of excess heat are overwhelmed by a very hot or humid environment, or strenuous physical activity.
  • hot, dry skin;
  • hyperventilation;
  • mental confusion; and
  • eventual unconsciousness.

Homeopathic Medicine

  • Glonoine [Glon]
  • Belladonna [Bell]
  • Natrum carbonicum [Nat-c]

Glionine 30
Belladona 30
2 pills at 2 hr alt.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Welcome to Homeopathy

Established 200 years ago by German physician Samuel Hahneman, Homeopathy is a therapeutic system of medicine that is based on the principle of similars- like cures like - which means that a substance that can cause certain symptoms in a healthy person can cure similar symptoms in an unhealthy person. Homeopathy aims to aid and stimulate the body's own defense and immune processes. Homeopathic medicines are derived from a variety of plants, animal materials and minerals. These medicines are prescribed to fit each individual's needs, given in much smaller and less toxic doses than traditional medications, and are used for both prevention and treatment.

Dr. Hahnemann decided to investigate the action of Cinchona bark extract by taking the medicine himself. After taking the medicine for 2 days, he found that symptoms similar to malaria developed in him. He was amazed with this observation. He repeated the experiment on many friends and family members and found the same results. So from this observation he deduced that Cinchona bark is able to cure malaria because when taken by a healthy human being, it can create malaria like symptoms.

Then he started working on this concept further to find if this a specific observation or a general truth applicable to all drugs. He tested medicines with known therapeutic values on his friends and family and discovered that this is a general law which decided the curative action of all medicines. He called it 'Similia Similbus Curantur' or 'Like Cures Like'.

Simply stated, it means that a medicine can cure those symptoms in a diseased person, which, it can produce in healthy individuals
